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Is Drinking Herbal Tea is Healthy ?|Lifestyle

Writer's picture: Saba AslamSaba Aslam

Are you tea lover ? Do you enjoy different kind of herbal tea , blooming flower or spiced tea? If yes then scroll down to read how these beautiful teas changes your system . And leaving you feel energised , relaxed and healthy.....

Herbal Teas are great source of antioxidants and vitamins , which helps in fighting disease and infections . It also protects against oxidative stress and lower the risk of chronic disease.

Some of the teas are best immune -boosting teas .

Green Tea with Fresh Mint leaves
Green Tea with Fresh Mint Leaves

Benefits of Drinking Herbal Teas :-

  1. Relieve Stress

  2. Helps in decreasing the Nausea

  3. Boost the immune system

  4. Weight Loss

  5. Reduce Inflammation

  6. Aids in digestion

  7. Detoxification

  8. Anti- Ageing

  9. Relaxation

  10. Helps in Sleep

Candy Cane Flavour
Candy Cane tea

Types of Herbal Teas :-

1. Green Tea :- originates from China and is exceptionally high in flavonoids which can

help boost your health by lowering LDL ( also Known As bad cholesterol ) . It also helps in lowering the blood pressure and chances of blood clots . Helps in skin clearing and giving the natural glow . This tea is also has benefits of anti -inflammatory properties and helps in protection from cancer of liver , breast prostate and colorectal cancers. Among green tea Matcha Tea is quite popular which is fine high quality green tea powder . Studies suggest that drinking one cup of Matcha Tea everyday = 10 cups of regular green tea.

2. White Tea :- White Tea comes from Camellia Sinensis plant native to China and India. This is most effective in fighting various forms of cancers due to high level of antioxidants. White Tea is good teeth since it has high source of fluoride , catechins and tanins that helps in strengthen teeth , fight plague , and make them more resistant to acid and sugar . It has least amount of caffeine making it a smart choice for tea drinkers who want to avoid or limit their caffeine consumptions .

3. Herbal Tea :- Sometimes called tisanes very similar to white teas , but has blends of herbs, spices , fruits and other plants in addition to tea leaves . Herbal teas don't have caffeine which why they are also called as calming teas .

There are numerous types of herbal teas . My personal favourites are :

* Chamomile Tea :- reduces menstural pain and muscle spasms, improves sleep and relaxation and reduces stress.

*Rooibos :- improves blood pressure and circulation , boosts good cholesterol (HDL) and keeps hair strong and skin healthy . Provides relief from allergies .

*Peppermint :- Contains menthol which can soothe upset stomach and cure for severe constipation , irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and motion sickness . Tea also offers pain relief from tension headaches and migraines .

*Ginger :- my favourite helps fight morning sickness , chronic indigestion and helps relief in joint pain caused by osteoarthritis .

*Hibiscus :- Lowers blood pressure and fat levels , improves over all liver health and prevent from kidney stones .

4. Black Tea :- made from leaves of Camellia sinensis same plant used to make green teas. However leaves are dried and fermented giving black tea a darker colour and richer flavour . Black tea is caffeinated so important to monitor the intake . Black tea doesn't necessary have to be drink all the time. A black tea bath can ease inflammation caused by skin rashes . Can also be steamed , cut and leaves can be applied on cuts , bruises and minor scrapes to reduce the inflammation .

5. Oolong Tea :- The tea is made from same part of green and black tea. The difference is how this tea is processed . Black tea is allowed to oxidise where as Green tea is not allowed to oxidise. The Oolong Tea is in between , partially oxidised . This partially oxidisation is responsible for colour and characteristic taste . It has l-theanine an amino acid that reduces anxiety and increases altertness and attention . Scientist have found that Oolong tea l-theanine can help prevents Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease . Oolong tea also has high polyphenols which helps in lowering inflammation , preventing growth of cancers and decreases Type-2 Diabetes Risk.

What should be avoided while Drinking Herbal Teas

As with everything we have to be bit mindful while drinking herbal teas . While majority of them are beneficial to your health , but some can cause opposite while mixing with fancy milks, sweeteners , sugars . Anything which says DETOX TEAS , keep in mind even though the name suggests DETOX it can cause other health problems like diarrhoea , cramps etc .

* Detox Teas are made for fad diets which suggest loose weight etc. These are often laced with laxatives which can cause harmful effect on your health .

*Fancy Tea lattes and drinks such green tea latte may appear healthy but , are loaded with sugar and diary .

*Trendy Bubble teas are also loaded with sugars calories and carbs , adding no to little health benefits.

* Herbal Teas can sometimes trigger allergies . If you have allergies or suffer from allergies always read ingredients on package before purchasing .

Correct way to enjoy these Teas :-

* My favourite time to enjoy is early mornings empty stomach .

*Post workout yes I love to enjoy a cuppa after gym . Specialy the ginger ones.

*Early evenings or post yoga . Specially the lemon grass , camomile

* I definitely include a cup before my main meal & post meal

* A mid day cup is a must for me

If you still thinking whether it's really going to help , well , then you need only one thing to do give it a TRY !!!

Even if you start with one cup a day , in long run you will see a change in your self .

Hope you all liked it . Do share , like and ask if you have any questions leave a comment below.


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